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Sylvain Tristan is a secondary school and university English teacher living in France. He has also lived in New York and Moscow.
His book Numbers of the Gods (Progressive Press, 2016) is his first essay in English. His novel The Divine Number (2012), is available on Kindle and BOD.
Although the author is fond of mysteries and enigmas he is also a skeptic who thinks the scientific method is the only way to solve them. As a former magician he condemns pseudoscience of all kinds.
He now spends much of his time studying the science and history of chronology, a subject which lies at the heart of his latest book, Re-Dating Ancient Greece. In this book he presents substantial evidence that Medieval Greek history appears to duplicate Ancient Greek History in many ways and suggests possible explanations for such a duplication, but restrains himself from drawing final conclusions, rather inviting the reader to solve the mystery themselves.